Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Instructional class experiment - Part I

Hey everyone!

Hope you had a relaxing long weekend. I’m going to keep it short and sweet this week. This post is part I of II – next week will be a continuation of an adventure you get to choose for me.

What kind of adventure?

I’m glad you asked.

The amount of holiday food I consumed this weekend is chart topping. I NEED to burn off the turkey sweats. Lucky for me (and you) the Athletic Centre offers a variety of activities to choose from, ESPECIALLY with their instructional classes. Anyone who’s a student can participate in activities such as:

Archery, athletic conditioning, athletic yoga, belly dancing, Bollywood boogie, cyclefit fitness, kickboxing, golf, hip hop, karate, kung fu, latin dance, lyrical jazz, muay thai, new modern contemporary, pilates, squash, table tennis, tae kwon do, women on weights, and yoga.

I’ve never taken any of these sessions at UTSC (or ever for that matter). For the sake of trying something new, and for your entertainment, YOU, the readers, get to choose which class you want to see me take.

Next week I’ll have a detailed report with video footage, as well as a high possibility of embarrassing myself. COMMENT below or tweet me at @Jessica_Moy on which class you’d like to see me take.

These are the choices you get to choose from:
  • Archery
  • Belly Dancing
  • Fitness Kickboxing
  • Golf
  • Hip Hop
  • Karate
  • Squash
  • Tae Kwon Do 
For the record, I can’t dance. If I were to participate in belly dancing or hip hop, you'll see flailing limbs at its finest. Also, the last time I golfed, this happened...

But, I'll do it all for you.

If you guys want to join me, I’ll let you know ASAP which class I’m going to take. If you're interested in signing up for any of them, you can do so at the Athletic Service Counter or online.

For more about these activities, such as dates and costs, information can be found on the Athletics website: http://www.utsc.utoronto.ca/~athletics/instructionalclasses.html


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